Sunday Market

Sunday, September 09, 2018

As I mentioned a few days ago, Monduli has an open air market on Thursdays and Sundays; I posted a few pictures from Thursday's, but I went back today with Beth and Michela, and the light was perfect and I got much better pictures this time. So here are a few to give you a bit of a look into life in Monduli.

The goods are mostly laid out on tarps on the ground; clothing and shoes are usually a pile you dig through.  

The was no haze at all today; Mt Meru stood out in spectacular detail in the distance.  It's about fifty-five miles away, but it's visible in good weather from some parts of Monduli and then when driving towards Arusha we drive right towards it most of the way. I love seeing such a grand mountain so often.

View out towards the plains, desert-like and dusty this time of year.

Vegetables are generally pre-portioned into little piles or stacks or bundles so that you can quickly buy a set amount without having to wait for it to be weighed or fuss over how much to get.


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