After our morning service at eight, we have a short break (depending on how long the sermon went) and then Bible class in the library. This is optional, so it's the more dedicated or more interested students who come (or sometimes people Lewis comes across on his way who aren't doing anything useful and get herded in). Lewis has been teaching this class for quite a while. He follows the Discovery Bible Study format--the section of scripture is read out loud three times (normally just two, but he added in a reading in Swahili as well just to make sure the younger students whose English vocabulary may not be great yet can follow). Then, another person summarizes the passage in their own words. Next, the group brainstorms: first, what are the characteristics of God that we learn from this passage? Second, what do we learn about the character of people from the passage? And third, what do I need to do to obey this passage/put it into practice? Finally, each person chooses which of the things from the third list that they plan to work on this week. This term, we've been working through the book of Mark.

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