New Children's Bible Class

Sunday, July 14, 2019

On July 14th, I started a new project: a Sunday School class for the kids!  We have a worship service for the students every Sunday morning, and there's a Bible class after, but it's geared towards the high school students.  I started noticing last term that we've got several elementary-school-aged kids around now (mostly children and grandchildren of staff).  Several of them participated in the high school class, but would really enjoy something just for them.  And so here we are!

We started today with seven kids (Beth's son Jackson, Lewis and Tammy's daughter Deborah, the headmaster's triplet daughters Glory, Grace and Gladness, and the granddaughters of the girls' dorm mother, Irene and Brightness) and two high school students (Prisca and Glory) as helpers.  We are studying the parables of Jesus over the next several weeks, so it should be fun! First on the list is the story of the wise and foolish builders, so I taught them the song today. 

It's been a few years since I taught kids this age (and it was in Italian when I did); I'm trying to remember all the songs I once knew.  They already know the Hippo song, at least, but not Blue Skies and Rainbows.  I'm sure it'll all come back to me soon! 


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