Busy Library

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Another busy day in the library!  The library is crowded this Wednesday afternoon!  Above, one of our form three library workers, Baraka, checks out books for his classmates. 

We received several big white folding tables in the container shipment, as well as these blue chairs.  Three tables (only two so far, but another is promised), as well as a set of blue chairs, have been assigned to the library.  The students are really enjoying the new workspace! 

Here's a wide-angle shot of the library.  In the foreground, you can see the two unabridged dictionaries we received.  The students have been REALLY impressed that there are so many words in the English language!  Of course, already several form one boys have lugged one of the things over and claimed that they were checking it out as their weekly story book.  I have a feeling they won't get tired of this joke for a while. 

Nembris and Anneth, two of my form three students. 

Salum and Norman like to be hams. 

While everyone's having fun around me, I'm trying to get through a little grading, checking some recent homework assignments. 

There were little scraps of paper inside a lot of the books; I'm not sure exactly what for.  However, these students don't waste much, so Innes and Denisa are using the small scraps to make colorful bookmarks.

See? Look, we're studying! Really!


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