Yardwork Day

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Well, with school out for so long, there are plenty of teenagers hanging around town who have nothing to do and would love to earn some money.  The area inside my gate is all paved with paving stones, so you would think I wouldn't need to deal with mowing in any fashion, but alas, weeds grow up between the paving stones like crazy.  I've let them get pretty bad; I really don't spend a lot of time outside--if I'm at home I'm in the house, or I'm somewhere else.  There are plenty of better places to be outdoors that have a better view than my seven-foot wall.  I also have a small patch of weedy grass outside my gate to the side of my driveway, which is also rather overgrown at the moment.  So, I hired my student Salum to come be my gardener.  He brought his friend Kevin with him and they spent a couple of hours whacking down all the big weeds and uprooting the small ones.  It started pouring rain as soon as they finished, so I invited them in and made them some French toast while we waited out the downpour.  My yard look much, much better now! 


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