Peer Pressure Skits in Life Skills Class

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


This year, in addition to teaching English, I am teaching the form 1 Life Skills class.  We've talked about various topics, starting with study skills and learning styles as they started their time in secondary school, and then on to some general topics such as handling stress and peer pressure.  Last week, we had a class discussion about peer pressure, and then the students split into groups.  Each group had a prompt I'd written out.  For example, one was about a student discovering the key to the upcoming math exam on the teacher's desk.  Several students want to copy it...  Another was a group of students laughing about how funny a new student looks, but one student wants to make the effort to get to know the newcomer.  There were several more along those lines.  

This week in class (Life Skills is just once a week), the groups acted out skits about their peer pressure situations.  They had a good time imagining the scenarios and how they would act in that situation!  For the one about the math exam, one of the students impersonated Mr. Mbesere, our math teacher.  The teachers smacked all of their hands with a ruler for even thinking about cheating.  (Such punishments are common here.)  I told Mr Mbesere later about some of the lines they came up with for him, and we had a good laugh.  

We had a good time with the skits, and I hope that thinking out the situation got them to think at least a little about how they are affected by peer pressure, both good and bad.  

This photos also give you a good look at our classrooms! I go through a lot of chalk around here!


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