Friendly Swarm of Children

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Before I left the museum, I sat on a shady bench along the walkway just inside the fence to rest my feet a moment and to check the map to get my bearings before heading to the next place on my mental list.  Suddenly, I was surrounded.  A group of curious twelve-year-olds, most dressed in matching hot pink t-shirts, were gathered around.  The most outgoing proffered a gift of one of those coins put through a press and stamped with a scene of Bangkok, the type you see at most tourist traps.
When I didn't immediately run away (I couldn't have anyway, I was surrounded), they concluded I must be friendly.  I smiled at them and they began searching their brains for English words learned in school to question me with. 
They were excited to hear that it am American, and that I am a teacher, and were surprised that I have no children.  I answered questions until they were called by the adults in their group for a group picture. 


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