Award Ceremony for March Exam Results

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

I was almost ready to leave school this evening when someone said, “Oh, stay, we’re going to have a short school assembly to give out awards for the results of the March exams!” 

Someday I will learn to stop believing people when they say a meeting will be short, but anyhow, it was good to see many of my students recognized for their achievements.  There were awards for the top three students in each subject in each form, and awards for the top three students in each form overall.  

Form one is always a bit of a toss-up; there are so many high-achievers that quite a few of them managed to be top in something or other.  Form two isn’t a toss-up at all; Shuaka is first in pretty much everything, to the point Teacher Gerald told him to just stay up at the front and stop sitting down between categories to save time.  Form three is usually between just a few top students, but they’re pretty evenly matched so they swap out who’s on top pretty regularly.  

Shuaka is a little embarrased at his well-deserved praise.


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