Last Morning in Lamu

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

On my last morning in Lamu, I didn't need to leave for the airport until 10:30, so I went out early for breakfast and a last walk around town.  It was another beautiful but meltingly hot day, even at nine in the morning.  One of the things I enjoy about traveling to a relatively small place like Lamu is how familiar a place can become in only a few days.  I know to find the most direct path to my room by watching out for a particular tree along the waterfront (the one in the photo below). I know the little shop that always has my coke zero.  I have a favorite restaurant, which I visited again this morning to see if their breakfast is as good as their dinners.  (It was quite good, although a fried egg can't really be compared to grilled chicken with curry sauce).  I'll miss it here, although I do look forward to being back in central Kenya, where it's winter (not likely to be exactly cold, but it won't be 95).  

"Adequate" made me laugh.

Back to the guesthouse (the entrance is under the sign at the end of the alley) to get my bag.


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