Sunny Sunday

Sunday, January 31, 2021

It's been a beautiful week weather-wuse here in Monduli. It's been sunny with highs around 80, so not as hot as is often is in January, but still lush and green from last week's rains. 

The Ngarash Church of Christ across the street from the church is building a new concrete block building, much bigger than their current log structure. 

I love how the vines are growing up on the school gate; I like passing under the orange flowers coming in every day. 

Starting the Book of Daniel in Sunday School

Another Sunday in Bible class! Today, we started in the book of Daniel. Today's lesson was about Daniel, Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego and the King's food.  I brought some fruit (bananas) and some cookies. We talked about healthy food. I'm not sure how well it sank in, though, because when I said they could eat the props, the cookies were gone long before anyone glanced at the bananas. ;) To be fair, bananas are grown here and a major part of the diet, so not that exciting. But the grocery store wasn't open yet on my way today so I had yo make do with what I could get at a convenience shop. 

We watched a cartoon of the story, and we drew a poster about 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 about honoring God with our bodies, showing healthy things we can do.