The Chaos in Between

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sometimes in life there are moments in which you know that you are seeing something special, something you will never see again.  The star-crossed elements align and a magic moment happens.

I had one of those moments tonight, on a red-eye flight from LA to Nashville.  As I blearily stared out the window between attempts to sleep, the layers of the sky  separated. 

Below were the lights of a city, maybe somewhere in Texas.  Ribbons of orangey pinpricks outlined the streets, knotted together to create a downtown.  In the second level, a summer storm raged as we flew parallel, just to the north.  The clouds flickered and glowed with constant lightning.  Above the fighting clouds, a third level opened to the heavens. The Big Dipper, bright and bold among hundreds of more distant kin, looked serenely over the fleeting scene below. 

Three layers--the sleeping city, the ancient universe, and the chaos in between. 


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