Library Cleanliness

Sunday, December 13, 2020

This afternoon (Friday), one of the library student workers, Mispina, and I spent a while cleaning the library.  I think it looks pretty good now!

Last weekend, the students made a complete mess of the library. Usually, it's not too bad on Monday, but this week it was awful, with books scattered everywhere and piled in the floor, cookie wrappers left in the seats instead of being thrown away, and dominoes everywhere. I called them out on it at Monday night devotional; many of them who had been in the library that day agreed that it was really trashy that day.  I told them that if it was in such a bad condition again this weekend, then we would have to have a weekend in which they aren't allowed to use the library at all, which they don't want to happen as many students enjoy hanging out there and reading books.  I reminded them to put books back on the shelf when they are finished with them, or if they don't know where they go, at least stack them neatly on the table.

So today, I took a photo of what the library looked like right before I left on Friday, with one of the preform students, Melau, in the way.  Hopefully next Monday will be better! 


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