School Days

Monday, May 10, 2021

We're reading Mabala the Farmer in Form 1 right now.  It's one of the kids' favourites of the stories we're required to read; it's about a very silly man that leaves the big city and thinks life on the farm will be easy.  His long-suffering wife tries to tell him things, but he has to make his own mistakes. 

I often take pictures of the pages on my phone to read from, as there aren't quite enough copies for everyone and that way it frees up one more. Below, Melau poses with the stack of books. 

The form one students love taking silly pictures, of course.  I've met very few students that don't...I can only imagine how many we'd have taken back when I was in high school if we had phone like today; we took enough as it was, but we were limited by the cost of developing film. :) 

In the late afternoon, I was watching out the library door and I saw several students gathered around the bell tower.  Mr. Mngoma, the headmaster, had some maintenance to do on a bicycle, so he brought it up there to do it so that some interested students could see the process and learn how to do some basic repairs. Nice to see students learning even outside of class! 


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