Sunny Sunday Morning

Sunday, March 22, 2020

After a few days of rain (it is the rainy season, after all, so no surprise), Sunday started out sunny and nice.  Since schools are closed, we, of course, don't have our normal worship service with the students, so I walked over to the Monduli church.  It's only about a ten-minute walk; it's in the neighborhood just across the road from mine.  

Although today is nice, you can see the effects of the last few days of rain on the roads on the way.  Somehow there's always an enormous mud hold right in front of the church; it seems right there is one of the worst spots in the neighborhood.  I always seem to do some weird clinging to the hedge to get into the churchyard without falling in the mud. 

A handwashing station was set up outside the door, as we all try to do what we can to keep the virus from spreading here.  As of right now, meetings of groups less than fifty is still allowed, so the church is still meeting. 

Greeting people and shaking hands is very important here, but for now, we've all agreed to wave and smile instead.  It made for several funny moments as people would reach out and then remember and pull their hands back, but everyone's trying to keep a good attitude about it. 


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