
Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Here in Tanzania, there tends to be a lot of respect for teachers.  The kids also really like to be helpful, and honestly, I think that, being a boarding school and them being far away from their families most of the time, they really like a bit of adult attention.  So it's really normal here for the kids to jump in and offer to carry bags/books/whatever for the teachers.  I hardly ever carry anything once I'm on campus; I usually have more volunteers than I have bags. Fortunately for them, I always seem to carry most of my earthly possessions everywhere I go (laptop, books, my lunch for the day, chalk, purse, notebooks, the scissors no one but me is allowed to touch ever at all for any reason because this is a school full of scissor thieves, etc.; I have a lot of bags).  

Usually, I leave to go home while the students are at dinner, but today I left a bit early because I'm still recovering from being sick last week and I'm trying to take it easy. The students were still outside during their free time, and so Athuman and Catherine accompanied me to the gate with my bags to wait for my boda boda (motorcycle taxi) with me.  

I said goodbye to a group of students hanging out by the laboratory building (which is right next to the gate) on the way by.  


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