Football Fridays

Friday, February 19, 2021

Like many students around the world, our students love football (soccer)! Every evening from five to six is "sports time", and some students kick around a ball during that time most days, while others less into sports use it as free time.  On Friday evenings, however, Oscar, who is in charge of sports, usually organizes a more formal game.  Sometimes it's one form against another, or sometimes it's students against staff (with a few students drafted onto the teacher team if there aren't enough people).  This game was form four against staff.  Since I already had my camera at school for the school pictures earlier in the day, I got out my zooms lens and got some action shots from both the game and of other students playing around outside. 

Above, Dismas and some of the other boys kick around an extra ball. Below, Jackson loves to come up to school on Friday to watch the football game and play around; he jumps right in with the older kids even though he's only seven. 

Melau shows off his skills. 

The younger boys watching the game.



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