Time out to rest...

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Oops.  One of downsides of getting behind when blogging is that you get the details mixed up sometimes, and thanks to the fact that even with my proxy blogger doesn't act quite right, I can't fix it.  I didn't go out to get southern food the same night I got back from the trip, it was the next night.  Not that anybody would know the difference in the story anyhow. 

Anyhow, I had planned to sign up for a Thai cooking class, which is popular in Chiang Mai, once I got back from the trekking trip, but on second thought I decided to take a day off to rest, hoping my back would heal a bit faster.  I didn't think I was quite up to standing over a wok all afternoon.  So, other than going out for dinner, I didn't leave the hostel all day 

Here's a picture of the canal around the old town I took when I stopped to rest on the way to the pharmacy, though.  


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