Library Work Day

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Even with school closed because of the corona virus, I still go up to the school to work in the library two or three days a week.  There's plenty of organizing, cleaning and maintenance to do, and now we are beginning to receive work that students have done at home that we need to check and return to them.  We won't be able to really count this work for much as far as grades go, because some students have no way of accessing it.  They live in remote places, don't have internet service, don't own any devices to receive things on, or don't have parents that supervise them (some teenagers are self-motivated enough to work on their own, but some just aren't at that age.)  However, for those that we can reach and those that are studying at home during this time will have a leg up once school does start again.  

There are plenty of students hanging around Monduli with nothing much to do, especially those who graduated last year but don't start Form 5 until July (assuming schools are opened again by then).  Wilson, who graduated last year and has been trying to find work, has come to help me out several days.  Today, Clement wandered by with nothing better to do when I was picking Wilson up, so we put him to work, too.  I had them move some boxes, take the trash down to the burn pile, and sort and arrange all the literature books so I could easily inventory them.  We still had plenty of time, so I set them to work cutting out new book covers out of construction paper and poster board to tape onto textbooks whose covers have fallen off.  (The textbooks here are paperback and not super well made to start with, and then the students abuse them, so they look rough fast).   


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