A Day in the Life

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Another day in the library... I know my blog posts during this time probably get a bit boring, but with school being closed and travel not advised, I'm usually just at home or working in the library, which doesn't change too much day to day without students around.  I'm making a lot of progress emptying boxes that have been waiting for time to be organized and preparing lessons for students to study at home. 

I do see a few of my students who live locally, and a few come up to the school now and then to pick up work or study in the library a bit if I'm there to have it open.  Paulo walked out to the school today and studied for a while. He's one who is working hard not to fall behind during this time, but he doesn't have a computer or smart phone to be able to receive a lot of the stuff we're sending out, so I've been printing as much as I can for him. 

I ended the day at the Allisons' house (on campus); they invited Ralph and Twyla and me over for dinner.  It was nice to spend some time together and have a nice meal! We sang together for a bit after we ate, too; we all enjoy fellowship in our own language and singing songs that we like. 


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