Another Day at School

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Oscar took a selfie with my phone while I wasn't looking. 

Just another day in the life at Alpha Omega Christian Secondary School...  we teachers have been busy marking the regional exams from last week.  We're trying something new; we've swapped papers with another local school, Orkeeswa.  We're grading their students and they are grading ours; we'll see how it goes.  (Spoiler: NEVER. AGAIN. They made tons of mistakes in grading and marked our students unnecessarily harshly.  We had to regrade everything. And they have slightly more students than us, so we got the raw end of that deal, anyhow.  I'll stop now before I say things that are only speculations on my part.)

A bit of blue sky is nice to see as we near the end of the rainy season!

The new paved assembly area in front of the administration building is finally finished, and the students had their first assembly in the new space.  Definitely an improvement over having assemblies on the football field, which can get muddy.  The prefects (student leaders, mostly elected) stand in a row facing the other students, and take turns being in charge of running drills to begin assembly (at attention, at ease, about turn, etc. for a few minutes).  Today, Ibrahim, a form two student and our Spiritual Life Prefect, was in charge.  The role is really helping him build up his confidence, as he's naturally quite shy.  

Mr. Gerald, the academic master (in charge of academics at the school) and geography teacher, had announcements to make.


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