We have a Pizza Hut!

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Look what we have now! A Pizza Hut! We've been seeing the 'coming soon' billboards for months now, and they actually built it reasonably fast, in the corner of the parking lot of the big grocery store we usually go to (so it's even convenient!) As far as I know, it's the only American chain restaurant we have in Arusha; as unbelievable as it may seem, we don't even have a McDonald's or a KFC. 

Honestly, we do have good local pizza restaurants, so it's not really that life-changing, but it is convenient and fast.  Also, Beth and Michela will kill me if they ever see that I posted that picture of them, so don't tell them. ;) 

The veggie supreme pizza (my first pick is almost always veggie pizza) comes with corn on it, which is a weird thing that happens outside the US, but I got them to leave it off, thankfully.  I've eaten plenty of pizza with corn on it when I lived in China, and while it's not terrible, it adds a bit of a weird crunch that I can do without.  Also, here they often supply a couple of packets of ketchup with your pizza.  We have yet to figure out why.  I really hope we never find out why, actually.


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